AMD (Advanced Micro Electronics) is keep pushing out some new series of processors recently, hoping to gain back some of its lost shares in consumer market space. Just recently, the chipmaker has just demonstrated a next generation GPU (Graphics Processing Unit), which claimed to be the world’s first to be compatible and run well with Microsoft DirectX 11 during recent Computex event held in Taipei.


Some of the features improvements include the compute shader technology which claimed to be able to run smoother with graphics intensive applications in Windows 7 environment. Besides, a term named as tessellator has been added to allow games programmers to create more natural scenery and realistic objects that makes the visual and gaming experience much pleasurable one. More importantly, it is expected to be able to utilize processors with multiple CPU cores more effectively for mainstream products.

This is definitely great news for you as a games developer as well as an end user especially those that emphasize much on high end graphics and gaming experience. However, users may have to wait until the end of 2009 before they can find this GPU-based products in commercial market.