Converting text to speech is a useful tool for the visually challenged or users who would rather listen than read while on the move. While there are many such applications in the market, Balabolka, a free text-to-speech software offers several interesting features which may appeal to Windows users.

This free program has a simple interface with a speech pane at the top. Users can control the reading, or pause and stop whenever necessary via the user-friendly interface. Users can choose A Microsoft Speech API and a voice package as well as adjusting pitch, pace, and volume according to their needs. It is also possible to install other voice packages to enhance the performance of the text-to-speech program or add other languages.

Comapatible with Windows applications including Windows 7, Balabolka is supportive of various file formats including HTML, pdf, docx, fb2, zip, and rar. The software also allows users to save audio files which have been converted from text to mp3 or wav formats. This provides more flexibility for users to convert text and save them for listening while on the go. Large audio files can be split into multiple smaller units via Balabolka as audio files can take up a lot of space and take time to download.

Download text-to-speech Balabolka.