Ever got tired of buying Barbie doll dresses and accessories for your children? Well, fret no longer when it comes to Christmas or birthday gifts. Just get hold of Barbie iDesign, the technological substitute for the plastic doll, without taking away the pleasure of playing with the doll and dressing her up.

barbie-idesign-cards.jpgThe iDesign kit comes with 50 clear plastic cards, each representing a unique piece of clothing or accessory, along with software for Windows and a card reader that connects to a computer via the USB port. When your child swipes a card through the scanner, an outfit appears on the screen, paraded by a Barbie model. Barbie can change instantly from casual, school, sporty, party to royalty with just a swipe of the card. The play is made more exciting because the virtual doll will then appear on the catwalk or a magazine cover. One gets to customize the shows with music and themes. For those who want to keep their creation, the magazines can be printed. The card play can also be turned into computer games with timed design challenges and exciting quizzes.

If this technology were extended beyond play, one can easily choose an outfit from a catalogue, boutique or shopping mall with just a swipe of the card. Outfits can also be matched with the right accessories by stacking the cards together and a model with our size and proportions can parade the combination on a computer screen for us to ‘try out’ the clothes virtually before buying them. Better still, a Valentino dress can be matched with Jimmy Choo shoes for that brilliant party look. See what technology can do for beauty, fashion and business!