To illustrate or visualize a website’s architecture, you’ll probably need to draw a conceptual diagram that can explain the sitemap clearer. Creating a diagram representing the sitemap of your website can be a quick and simple task by using this web-based sitemap creator tool, WriteMaps.

WriteMaps is a free web-based tool for its registered users to create, edit and even share the respective sitemaps of their websites online. Registered users can create sitemaps for their websites once they have logged in to WriteMaps. This online tool features a very intuitive interface and all the necessary tools to create or edit a sitemap. Users can add page, delete page, sort page and even view the page info such as page’s URL with a few clicks only. Besides that, registered users are also allowed to share or work together with other co-workers or team members on the sitemap. Other members can access the sitemap anywhere via internet without having to rely on proprietary desktop apps and static files.

This web-based application, WriteMaps, is useful especially for newbies in web designing. It is easy to use and all basic features are there. The only setback for this tool is it consumes a lot of time if the website is large as users need to add in the page manually.