You may have many apps from Cydia that you have installed into your jailbroken iOS devices. But just in case you want to delete or remove them due to instability or Springboard crashing, what you normally do is trying to remove the suspicious apps one by one until the phenomenon disappear. Unlike current way of apps removal from App Store, removing apps from Cydia requires users to access to Cydia -> Manage -> Packages, then browse to respective tweaks follow by Modify -> Remove -> Confirm which could be time consuming. If you are looking for faster and easier way to remove the apps from Cydia, CyDelete is the right tweak that you can try.

As usual, just head over to Cydia and under ‘Search’, key in CyDelete, then download and install it into your iOS devices. Do take note that no new icon will appear on Springboard but it will take effect once restart. In order to execute the apps deletion, just tap and hold on any springboard icon down until they start wiggling, further tap on the X sign at the corner of the apps icon will remove it instantly, just like when you are executing apps removal from App Store.

CyDelete is available in Cydia (under the Bigboss repository) for free download so do grab one to remove any unstable or unneeded tweaks effectively.