After numerous free previews released by Microsoft in 2006 and 2007, Microsoft has officially released its 3D models creator, Photosynth, to the public. Users now can download the latest Microsoft Photosynth 2.0.1403.11 to generate their own Photosynth models via the photos or images uploaded.

Users who intend to try it can download the application via the link here. Technically Photosynth will install two programs on users’ PC. It will install a creator tool to create the synths (3D models) and a web browser plugin for viewing these synths.

With the digital images uploaded, Photosynth will analyze each and every photo for similarities. This application will use the analyzed data to build a three-dimensional point cloud of a photographed object. Pattern recognition components compare portions of images to create points, which are then compared to convert the image into a 3-D model.

Microsoft Photosynth is an interesting concept for photos enthusiasts to share and present their masterpiece. Instead of sharing regular digital photographs or images with others, users can use this Photosynth tool to transform regular digital images into a 3D model. The 3-dimensional effect will boost the viewers’ browsing experience tremendously. Flat photographs in 3D effect will also enhance the commercial viability and advertising value of a piece of photo. So why not go for it? That special shot you took could be worth millions. Read Microsoft Release Note via the link here.

Minimum System Requirements:
Photosynth is compatible with Windows XP (SP2 or SP3) and Windows Vista. It supports IE7, Firefox 2 & Firefox 3. In term of hard ware requirement, user needs to have minimum 256MB memory (preferably 1GB), minimum 32MB of graphics memory required (64MB or more is recommended). Photosynth runs on some DirectX6 capable cards and all DirectX7 cards.

Photosynth makes heavy use of user’s graphics hardware. If user has an older graphics system, Photosynth may not run. Also, Photosynth requires that user’s graphics acceleration be set to full.