Windows 7 has included most of the device drivers for popular and common computer hardware and peripherals. And Windows Update performs an incredible tasks to download, install or update drivers for any devices that are not having a driver installed, or incompatible drivers.

If you own one or more of the Microsoft Hardware products, and want to manually update your Windows 7 system with latest drivers available instead of relying on Windows Update. Microsoft has published Microsoft Hardware Support for Windows 7 operating system page, which lists all available device drivers compliant with Windows 7 for products by Microsoft Hardware divisions.

Currently, Windows 7 device drivers are available for IntelliType Pro keyboard product, IntelliPoint mouse product, keyboard and mouse desktop set product, LifeCam webcam product, LifeChat headset product, SideWinder gaming keyboard, SideWinder Mice and IntelliMouse Explorer 3.0, Xbox 360 Wireless Controller, Xbox 360 Controller, and Wireless Notebook Presenter Mouse 8000. Both 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) versions is available.

However, there are some bad news for limited number of product owners too, as there will be no Windows 7 device drivers available for Habu Laser gaming mouse, Reclusa gaming keyboard, fingerprint reader products, Presenter 3000, Remote Keyboard for Windows XP Media Center Edition and Remote Control and Receiver for the Media Center PC.

The driver software can be downloaded from