Windows 7 Build 7229 has leaked to Internet. The full build tag string for Windows 7 Build 7229 is 6.1.7229.0.winmain.090604-1901, which indicating it’s compiled and signed off on June 4th, 2009. Unlike Windows 7 Build 7227, the leaked Windows 7 Build 7229 is of winmain branch, which will likely be the branch where the final Windows 7 RTM will come from.

Both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 7 Build 7229 is available for download. Even Windows Server 2008 R2, with is Windows 7 Server version, is available. One important note is that Windows 7 Beta activation product keys no longer able and cannot activate Windows 7 Build 7229, although Windows 7 RC activation product keys can still be used to activate the installed system.

Windows 7 Build 7229

Download 32-bit Windows 7 Build 7229 (x86) ISO

Build Version: 6.1.7229.0.winmain.090604-1901 (Last WinIQ SignOff Build)
File Name: 7229.0.090604-1901_x86fre_client_en-us_OEM_Ultimate-GRMCULFREO_EN_DVD.iso
Size: 2,544,758,784 byte
MD5: B4C090F45F2A6CE136C4413A8E56A631
SHA1: B3FEC2CFC05B6004864AB7EF99A1F9C7EE8D8BA4

Torrent: MICROSOFT.WINDOWS.7.LAST.RRP.7229.0.090604-1901.X86.ENGLISH.DVD.-SUKONKA.torrent

Download 64-bit Windows 7 Build 7229 (x64) ISO

Build Version: 6.1.7229.0.winmain.090604-1901 (Last WinIQ Sign Off Build)
File Name: 7229.0.090604-1901_x64fre_client_en-us_OEM_Ultimate-GRMCULXFREO_EN_DVD.iso
Size: 3,262,218,240 byte
MD5: 32460CB7ABB9BF5EAC65AEA7034C798B
SHA1: F3DF1990D9242C48BC56515534911838DF0ABEA9
CRС: 04FC6B18

Torrent: MICROSOFT.WINDOWS.7.LAST.RRP.7229.0.090604-1901.X86.ENGLISH.DVD.-SUKONKA.torrent

Windows 7 Build 7229 Setup.exe

Download 64-bit Windows Server 2008 R2 Build 7229 (x64) ISO

Build Version: 6.1.7229.0.winmain.090604-1901 (Last WinIQ SIGNOFF Build)
File Name: 7229.0.090604-1901_x64fre_server_en-us-GRMSXFRE_EN_DVD.iso
Size: 3,166,404,608 byte
MD5: 5EB3024726EEAD72D1B56309074535D4
SHA1: E3E368E23B2BE8AFF4133208524634153365BCEA
CRС: DF314999

Torrent: MICROSOFT.WINDOWS.SERVER.2008.R2.LAST.RRP.7229.0.090604-1901.X64.ENGLISH.DVD.-WIN7VISTA.torrent

The MUI (Multilingual User Interface) Language Packs for Windows 7 Build 7229 is also available in full complete ISO image, with all language and localization packs.

32-bit (x86) Windows 7 Build 7229 Language Packs: 7229.0.090604-1901_x86fre_client_langpacks-GRMCLP_DVD.torrent
64-bit (x64) Windows 7 Build 7229 Language Packs: 7229.0.090604-1901_x64fre_client_langpacks-GRMCXLP_DVD.torrent

Update: Windows 7 Build 7231