If you don’t like to open files by using the default program in certain time due to some reason, but would like to maintain the program as default, what you normally do is right clicking on the file, then choose Open With and choose the program from the list. Alternatively, launch the program and go to File -> Open to open the file by using this program. Either one of these methods are quite time consuming. And now with Dropper, it is quite handy that can let you open any files with a program defined by you with just dropping the file into the box.


Dropper is a tiny utility that display as a little box and always stay on top at your computer screen. To open files with your desired program, you can define the program by right clicking on Dropper, then select Set Program and choose the program. Once the program has been defined, you can drop any files you would like to open onto Dropper, and the file will be opened by using the program which you have defined. This method is much easier and quicker than the way that you normally do. Another great feature that worth to be highlighted here is it is fully customizable. You can change Dropper icon to whatever image you like, as well as to resize the icon to any size as you prefer. Besides, you can set the transparency level and change the background of the image to default, white and black.

Dropper v1.0 is compatible to run on all Windows and doesn’t require any installation, just run the executable file directly for immediate use. One thing to take note here is it still has minor bug where the image may become fuzzy and only happens when you resize the icon to smaller, then change the image and resize it to bigger icon. Nevertheless, this minor bug doesn’t affect its functionality as it still able to open files by using the defined program with no problem.