Facebook users who are constantly on the move can now keep their friends posted at all times on their location thanks to the latest integration between Facebook and Brightkite. As soon as Facebook users update their Brightkite status –through SMS or any other mobile application – the info will be sent to Facebook and users can keep their contacts informed of their location. There is an option for Brightkite users to post their location, notes, comments or photos directly to Facebook News Feed which users could turn on/off.
To activate the cross-posting options, follow the steps below:

1. On Brightkite visit Account Settings and click on the Sharing tab.
2. Authorize Facebook by clicking the link next to all 3 steps.
3. Choose the Facebook cross-posting options and click save.


In the future, more options may be possible such as cross-sharing the Facebook Friend list with Brightkite. Facebook Connect can only get better and better with this kind of empowering integration.