Do you confront any problem to planning the trip especially when going for group vacations? Would you love to have travel plan that allows you to travel without overshot the budget? The TripLittle can help users to optimize their traveling experiences based on the budget so that user can easily estimate the budget, plan itinerary, and prepare packing list.

TripLittle is a free complete travel planning and organization web application that doesn’t need to register to create a trip, however users can sign up for create and save multiple trips. This application is user-friendly with a simple interface. With this web application, users just need to key in the trip name, and then enter the number of people and the number of days the trip will last. TripLittle will progress the information and a checklist of common budget expenses that are supposed to incur during the trip. TripLittle allows users to add the dollar amounts and get the total trip cost along with a graph showing the distribution of expenses.

Beside the budget feature, this free application also can plan the itinerary by breaks down the schedule, and packing list to avert leaves anything behind. Users also can share the planning with others after signing up the account.

Users who intent to try this free web application can plan by breaking everything down into manageable subsections.
