One of the great advantages of using computers as opposed to traditional typewriters is the ability to cut and paste sections of texts without having to retype the whole section. This cut-paste feature has made word processing, note-taking, etc, so much easier and efficient. Day Clipboard Utility, however, takes the cut-paste feature a step further. Users just need to highlight sentences or paragraphs they wish to copy, click Ctrl+C, the sentences or the paragraphs will be pasted automatically on the application. Otherwise, users can approve each piece of text or image as it appears in the clipboard. The sentences or paragraphs can thence be saved as a text document. Users can also capture or save images via this tiny standalone application.


Generally, Day Clipboard Utility speeds up the copy and paste process on all copied texts and images in the clipboard. When there are huge chunks of text or image to be copied, simplifying the process and saving a few clicks can make a big difference. This free application makes copying as easy as highlighting the desired sections. Once you’ve tried this application, you will wonder how you ever managed without it.

Download the standalone Day Clipboard Utility via the link here.