Giving phone number to public or someone whom you are not really trust may be uncomfortable especially when you are requested to fill in the survey or your particular for participating in any contest or event. You may end up to receive more annoying calls which could be irritating and potentially affect your daily life. How to protect your real phone number from being known by somebody who you are not trust while allowing people to call you? Now, there is a free service named as inumbr which can generate a temporary phone number and forward calls to any fix-line phone or mobile phone that you have defined.


inumbr allows you to talk without sharing your real number. Just go to the inumbr website to generate a temporary phone number, then any call to this inumbr will be routed to your fix line phone or mobile phone. This temporary phone number can be set to be expired in an hour, day, week or month. On top of this, to maximize the chance of people reaching you, this service allows you to configure first and second reachable phone number. Any call to the inumbr will be routed to the phone number according to the priority that you have set. If you are not available for both of the phone numbers, then the caller can record a voice mail which will be sent to your mailbox.

Other key features such as:
• Filter and block calls from telemarketers.
• Let your caller record a brief greeting so that you can decide to answer or reject the call after listening to the greeting.
• Generate a details call records of all calls received such as calling number, duration, timestamp of the call and etc.

inumbr service only offers in 23 cities in US as of now and there is a plan to roll out to more cities in US, Canada and Europe in the near future. Currently this service is under maintenance but existing subscribers will be able to continue using their inumbrs like normal. If you are new subscriber and would like to be notified when the service is available, you can subscribe to newsletter.