Medical checkup and screening is a very important component in healthcare maintenance because early detection of diseases can prevent the problem from getting out of hand. This theory also applies to our computer system. A periodical maintenance program does help to detect any system problems and avoid misery later. For users who are using Windows Vista, they can actually make use of Vista’s self generated diagnostic System Health Report to inspect and diagnose their system.

This System Health Report will reorganize the data and information received from the system after various performance and reliability tests have been conducted. This report will be presented in a well-organized and easy readable format where users can easily spot out all potential problems (if any).

To generate a System Health Report for Windows Vista, users could just make use of the Run function, e.g. press Win and type perfmon.exe/report. Alternately, users can just go to Start -> Control Panel -> System and Maintenance. Click on to Performance Information and Tools, followed by clicking the Advanced Tools link under Task List. Choose the option “Generate a system health report”. Once it is done, wait for a few minutes, a full diagnostic report will be presented. The report will indicate to you if there is any error. It shows the error symptoms, how the problem occurs and the recommended measures to resolve the problem.