Tabs is one of the core feature of Facebook. Individual profiles, pages, groups and apps in Facebook all has several tabs that allows visitors to view different kind of information. Example of tabs include Wall, Info, Photos, Video, Discussions, Links, Notes, Events, Boxes, Reviews and etc.

More tabs can be added to Facebook by adding applications. One of the popular app is Static FBML to add custom tabs or boxes into Facebook’s profile and allow Facebook users to render HTML or FBML (Facebook Markup Language).

When there are more tabs available on Facebook, the order of the tabs is important so that essential tabs can be shown to visitors without additional click.

To sort and re-arrange the order of tabs in Facebook is very simple and easy. Just login to the Facebook account, and then click and hold on the tab that you want to move. Drag and drop the tab to its desired position and release the mouse click. The tab new position will be automatically saved by Facebook, and present to all future visitors.

Rearrange Facebook Tabs

There is a restriction though. The “Wall” and “Info” tabs must always be the first two tabs, occupying 1st and 2nd position of the tabs list. In addition, if you have difficulty moving the 3rd tab to less priority position, just to move the tab to replace it instead.