Google has recently introduced a new warning “This site may be compromised” into its search engine result. The introduction of the new warning is aimed to ensure the search results presented from the search engine do originate from the pristine publisher. It  is an addition to the existing “This site may harm your computer” warning which have been accompanying Google search results. 

In contrast to the previous “This site may harm your computer” warning, this new search results notification from Google primarily focuses in alerting the users about the web pages which may have compromised or modified by a 3rd party such as spammer and phisher. For instance, an user who clicked at the compromised web page may get redirected to rogue destinations such as spammer controlled site or malware distribution site. Although Google does not block users from visiting the flagged websites, the indication next to the search result may indeed impact the traffic to the website as the web surfers may possibly hesitate to visit the website due to security concerns. Therefore, it is the best interests of the impacted website owners and webmasters to investigate the root cause of the issue and to eliminate these labels off the search result at earliest.

According to Google Webmaster Central blog, the warning label will be lifted in a matter of days once the suspicious contents is removed from the impacted website. However, the website owners who have their website registered in Google Webmaster tool can also follow the manual steps below to expedite the process of removing the warning.

  1. Utilize the anlysis tools such as Malware Diagnostics tool in Google Webmaster Tool (, Unmask Parasites, Rex Swain and etc to unveil security issues in your website.
  2. Remove the contents identified from Step 1 which are not compliant to Google Webmaster Guidelines.
  3. Login to Google Webmaster tool using the Google account which you have used it to register the website. Use the “Create an account now” in the login page if you do not have a valid account with Google.
  4. Click at “Add a site…” button if your website is yet to be registered with Google Webmaster. This is to ensure you will be able to select your website for the reconsideration in the next step.
  5. Navigate to
  6. Select the website to be reviewed from the dropdown box under “Requesting reconsideration of:”
  7. Make sure you have checked  the checkbox to acknowledge the agreement of various guidelines.
  8. Elaborate the problems identified in the website, compromises which have been reverted and the steps taken to prevent similar recurrence in the explanation area.
  9. Proceed to click at the “Request reconsideration” once all required information have been entered.
  10. The website owner will receive a message in the Message Center within Google Webmaster tool once Google has processed the reconsideration request.