While browsing the internet, you probably came across some interesting articles or websites and you would like to email this information to your own email account for your personal database. Generally many users will just log in to their email account, compose a new email and paste the relevant information and thence send over to their own account. To simplify and expedite the process, users probably can try “Email Yourself!”, a free add-on for Firefox browser if they are Gmail users.

With the Email Yourself extension added into Firefox browser, users can go to the Menu Bar, select View->Toolbars->Customize to drag out the Email Yourself shortcut button into Firefox’s toolbar. Whenever users find some interesting website contents and intend to email to their own Gmail account, they just need to highlight and click on to the shortcut button. The add-on application will open the Gmail Compose New Message page in a new tab with all the highlighted content as well as the page url automatically pasted in the body area of the new email. Users just need to click send and get the email received in their Gmail Inbox.

Of course before the add-on application can recognize users’ email, a simple setting needs to be done. Users need to go Tool -> Add-ons and select Email Yourself. Click to “Option” button to add their email address and add a personal identification message, “-Sent via Email Yourself!” (default setting).