With the number of pedophiles, sex images, and pornography lurking in the Internet, parents certainly have a difficult time protecting their children from harm and guiding them in accessing the right information for their age group. Children are techno-savvy at a very young age and they certainly cannot be prevented from using the Internet to watch videos like their parents. So how do parents ensure that their young children do not watch unsuitable adult content over the Internet? Totlol is a website which allows children between the ages of six months to six years to surf, download and watch videos. The moderated video community service is powered by YouTube and the videos hosted in the site are mirrored in YouTube.

Totlol is also great because it allows parents and the society to play a part in monitoring its videos. Parents can sign up and volunteer to screen videos from YouTube, suggest the right age group for the movie and recommend interesting and suitable videos to increase the collection of videos on Totlol. Thus, parents not only provide a service to the society but also learn to play a more active role in guiding their children’s use of the Internet. Children are not deprived of their chance to grow and learn about their surroundings and their world through the videos captured on Totlol.