HP has announced its new Pavilion HDX recently, also known as “The Dragon”, the HP’s biggest and latest notebook which will compete with Dell’s XPS M2010 and Acer 20 inch laptop for users who want serious multimedia power in a quasi-portable form factor. This HP HDX which weighing in at 15.5-pounds has a massive 20.1-inch WSXGA (1680 x 1050 resolution) + Ultra BrightView widescreen display. The big LCD screen is perfect for you to watch the high definition movies from its built-in HDTV tuner or HD-DVD drive. Besides, audio performance is also significantly better than most laptops thanks to four Altec Lansing speakers with built-in HP Triple Bass Reflex subwoofer.


“HP continues to drive innovation in consumer notebooks by combining stylish, thoughtful design with leading mobile technology,” said Ted Clark, senior VP and general manager of HP’s Notebook Global Business Unit. “Our new 20-inch notebook projects a dragon-like mystique with its evocative HP Imprint finish and unique dual-hinge construction along with several other new Pavilion and Presario introductions that feature the latest mobile technology, security solutions and stylish new designs,” added by Ted Clark.


Each HDX comes with a full-featured Windows Media Center remote dock to the left of the keyboard, while touch sensitive media keys line up at the top. Based on Intel’s Santa Rosa platform, the HP HDX will initially ship with an Intel Core 2 Duo 77000 (2.4 GHz) processor, 4 GB of memory and ATI Mobility Radeon HD 2600. The new HP Pavilion HDX Entertainment Notebook PC will be available in coming July.