Mind-mapping has been proven to help stimulate and organize thinking. Mind-mapping has traditionally been done on paper but there is a new software in the market which can help users to develop their thoughts into organized projects.


PersonalBrain is a mind-mapping software which allows users to expand and chart their ideas as they grow. Start with an idea, followed by another, and before long, you’ll have a complex map – all your thoughts faithfully mapped on the computer screen. You can visualize your thoughts through this app or use it to show the relational links among things. Users can organize Web content, media, documents, and ideas. You can organize your bookmarks using this. The app is user-friendly and does not require extensive knowledge in mind-mapping.

PersonalBrain supports Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and Server 2003, a Mac version that supports Mac OS 10.4 and higher, and even a Linux version that works on most popular distros. The PersonalBrain Core Edition is available for $149.95, and the Pro version is $249.95 – not cheap. However, there is a free version with limited functions. While PersonalBrain is not as sophisticated as other mind-mapping apps, it is functional and has all the basic requirements for mind-mapping.