Would you buy the idea? For most of us, space travel is a near impossible dream due to the exorbitant costs and limited places. If you can’t go to space in your lifetime, do the next best thing: send a piece of yourself into outer space. IntoSpace.org is a website dedicated to selling 0.4 x 0.4 inch blocks of areas on paper to users who want to include a photograph, a strand of hair, a handprint or a poem to space by purchasing the space/lot at the ludicrously low price of $2 per block. A token discount is given for purchases above 20 blocks. There are about 250,000 blocks available for sale.

The space launch is tentatively scheduled for 2010 though no further details are provided. The organizer reserves the rights to choose the space agency which carries out the space program and to amend the terms offered at any time. IntoSpace.org reminds one of the Million Dollar Homepage. For $2, would you reserve a place in history and take the risk of the whole thing being a scam?

Well, actually, NASA did truly and genuinely sending name to not only space, but to orbit of moon, and is probably one and only appropriate chance for people who want to leave something in outer space.