Color combination is an important element in photography art. Effective color combination may be taken for granted but colors which clash will jar the nerves and offend the senses. With sophisticated photo editor, artists or photo enthusiasts can filter or apply different color effects to make a photo more outstanding and attractive. Of course some technical skills are needed while using this professional photo editor. To avoid a complicated process but enjoy some superb effect in terms of color combination and separation, non-pro users probably can try tintii, a standalone photo filter tool which enables color separation effect in a colorful photo with just a few mouse clicks. It automatically analyzes the color profiles of a digital image and separates them into a handful of major hues. Users can thence decide which specific color to retain.

Tintii is pretty user friendly. Users just need to select and open the image which they want to have the effect. The application will thence automatically analyze the photos and display four thumbnails. The first one is completely grayscale while the other three are grayscale but with a single color retained.


Users can thence click on the thumbnails to decide which colors to retain. For instance, if users click on the thumbnail which retains red only, then the final result will show grayscale plus red color. If users continue to click on to the thumbnail which retains yellow only, then the final result will show grayscale with yellow and red colors. Users can see the effect below:


Users can zoom in/out to see the images. Users also can add in more thumbnails for more color choices and adjust the saturation decay, saturation edge, hue decay and hue edge accordingly. Apparently there are no other added features or useful tools available besides the mentioned.

Tintii is compatible with both Windows and Linux. The standalone version is completely free for users to download and use. Tintii also offers plug in version for both Adobe Photoshop and Corel Paint Shop Pro. The plug in version is a pay version which costs users only $9. Users who want to create some crazy color effects for their favourite images can download the Tintii standalone tool via the link here:
