We often come across reviews of gadgets which compare the dimensions and measurements to other models. When you read about measurements of a device on MyDigital, do you find it difficult to visualize the object’s actual size in 3-D images? Do you have problems comparing two or more items in their actual sizes and looks? Instead of physically measuring the two objects with a ruler or measuring tape, a more sophisticated and technologically advanced way is to use the services provided by Sizeasy.

Sizeasy will help to size up the measurements you key in to give you a 3-dimensional image of the object(s). One only needs to enter the height, width and depth of the item in inches or millimeters to generate a 3D object on screen. The image can then be compared against a default item in the website such as a match box or a sheet of paper. All items compared by users who use the services of the website will be saved and added to the file of 3D objects to be viewed by others. It is also possible to key in several items to compare them against each other.

Similarly to Sizeasy, Pective is another web service which features the same functions. Pective will illustrate the product size to users who have problems in visualizing it. However, Pective works slightly different from SizEasy. Pective needs you to select your desktop screen size and it will use your desktop screen as a point of reference to illustrate the actual size of an object. The images portrayed are quite accurate in size.