Anyone on a diet to lose weight can definitely do with a helping hand. A talking robot to monitor your fitness level, record your diet intake and encourage you to stay on track will help you to stay organized and motivated in your diet plan. Autom is designed to let you key in details of your fitness level, diet, and exercise into the database. This information will then be processed and saved for monitoring of your progress in losing weight. Unlike other gadgets, Autom will ‘speak’ to you so that you actually ‘hear’ what you need to do to lose weight. Hearing the truth may push dieters into action and produce real results. While the utterances may be abrupt and predictable, a personal weight-loss coach at your beck and call may motivate you to shed the extra pounds. On the other hand, it could have exactly the opposite effect…!

Health buffs can use Autom to monitor their health level and record their health plans. Participants of The Biggest Loser may want to get hold of this device to dramatize their effort to lose weight and clinch the big prize. Autom may still depend a lot on users’ willpower and discipline for the weight loss plan to be successful but it also opens up possibilities for more creative uses of the gadget or robot to assist weight loss programs. A robot that ‘records and reports’ may be useful but one that tests food for the level of salt, or emits a scream when one exceeds a pre-programmed calorie intake, for instance, opens up exciting possibilities for the future.