Apple has released application Doodle kids for iPhone, iPhone 3G and iPod Touch with a bunch of new features and enhancements entertainment for kids. Doodle kids is full screen painting program primary for kids that draw random shapes and colors. Doodle Kids is written by the young Apple IIGS programmer Lim Ding Wen who is a Malaysian living in Singapore and is currently just 9 years old. He is probably one of the world youngest iPhone developers.

Doodle kids

Below are the summary of the Doodle kids Features:

  • Allow kids randomly draw squares, circles, lines, triangles and stars.
  • It can create at different sizes and colors.
  • The kids need only use the mouse to paint.
  • The easiness of an undertaking for kids, press the space key, and all the color in the color palette will animate. Then press delete key the picture will be erased.
  • Compatible with iPhone and iPod Touch.

The Doodle kid version 1.2 for iPhone and iPod Touch is now available as a free download from App Store via iTunes. To use Doodle kid’s application, iPhone 2.2 software update are requires.