Previously we mentioned about BlueLock utility that is able to lock computer screen automatically using Bluetooth pairing mechanism, but in case you are not truly satisfied with it, here is another alternative that you can try. Named as Bluetooth Proximity Lock or BtProx in short, it utilizes the similar concept but with additional ability to run commands specified by users on top of simple screen locking based on Bluetooth pairing detection on proximity.

Once download and install the utility, just launch it and users will be brought to a simple interface. Over here, there are some simple setup configurations that can be set accordingly and necessarily. For instances, users can set the Timeout timer on how soon the screen will be locked after the pairing connectivity lost when users leave their desk. Besides, there are fields that can be used to browse and specify the Lock and Release commands respectively with locking (or without locking but purely run the command) depending on own preference, making it much more useful as compared to other solutions in the market. Once everything is defined, just click on ‘Start’ button will run the execution and it will stay quietly in system tray ready for system triggering. This is with assumption that you already have your mobile devices paired using Bluetooth with PC system.

This utility is especially useful for those computer users that tend to forget locking their computers’ screens for privacy reason after leaving their desk. And without the need to manually do it, this utility will able to trigger the screen lock by simply relying on common Bluetooth feature found in most of mobile devices and PC in today’s market. Consumed merely 200kB, the utility works great with any Windows Operating Systems and is free for download here for extra protection on your proprietary documents.