Great news for owners of Roku’s set-top box! The market leader in innovative applications for digital media and maker of the popular $99 Netflix Player by Roku, Roku Inc. has released support for streaming HD content through addition of the new advanced compression technology.

rokuplayer“Netflix is a pioneer in streaming HD content over the Internet and the results are impressive,” said Anthony Wood, founder & CEO of Roku. “Adding hundreds of HD titles to their catalog of more than 12,000 streaming titles provides tremendous value to Roku owners.”

According to the company, all Roku players will receive free HD firmware update sometime in the next few weeks.

“No other HD device delivers as diverse a catalog of HD entertainment along with flexible HDTV connections and incomparable price-value as Roku,” said Richard Doherty, Research Director for The Envisioneering Group. “More and more HD video programming is instantly available, making Roku even more valuable over time than many expensive PVRs and leased services.”