Device driver is one of the most important software in a computer, which provides instructions to higher level computer programs to interact with hardware device and peripheral installed on the system, such as printers, sound cards, modem, motherboard, USB hard disk and graphics accelerator adapter (GPU). Normally, most computer hardware come with driver preinstalled on operating system, or available on the manufacturer’s CD.

However, device drivers are frequently updated and improved in order to fix bugs, add extra features or functionalities, increase stability or reliability, enhance usability, and to support new requirements such as operating system. Thus, drivers should be updated regularly in order to avoid problems such as hardware that seems buggy and poorly performing, to the more major such as hardware failures, conflicts and complete system crashes.

DriverScanner, from UniBlue at, is the simple and reliable driver update management tool to update system’s drivers, boosting system performance, releasing improved functionality and increasing interoperability with networks and hardware. UniBlue DriverScanner is similar to DriverAgent and RadarSync. DriverScanner can scan the system against comprehensive library of the latest drivers to identify drivers to be updated, deliver the tools needed to automatically download and install any new updated drivers, while, at the same time, keeping a full record of all activity besides allowing user to backup and restore the drivers. Driver Scanner is best for users who have no time or want to spend no effort in keeping track of all drivers updating status on the PC.

Features of UniBlue DriverScanner 2009:

  • Sophisticated driver update management tools DriverScanner allows user to load and install all drivers in one go and from one screen.
  • Improve computing experience, and minimize network or hardware problems, by using DriverScanner regularly to find and update old drivers.
  • The backup and restore features ensure even if hard drive is wiped or reformatted, it’s possible to reinstall operating system with all drivers quickly and simply.
  • In depth analysis by thoroughly scanning PC, DriverScanner identifies outdated drivers and clearly labels the system sensitivity of each.
  • Generates and displays a log transcript of driver download history and most recent scan results for precise control over the system.
  • Having an attractive, logical and user friendly interface, with automatic software and driver library updates, DriverScanner delivers advanced functionality in a simple-to-use package.
  • Safe and trusted.
  • Supports 32-bit Windows XP and Windows Vista.

UniBlue DriverScanner 2009 (aff) normal retail price costs $39.95. My Digital Life is giving away 2 (two) free license with genuine registration serial number of DriverScanner 2009 to lucky winners, free of charge.

Contest Closed. Winners are Hitendra and Agog.

To win one of the UniBlue Driver Scanner 2009 registration license, just enter into the lucky draw contest by posting a comment on this post. Email address in the “Mail” text box must be valid to be eligible for the prize. Entry closed on February 27th, 2009 23:59 (UTC+8) server time, equivalent to February 27th, 2009 15:59 (UTC) or February 27th, 2009 10:59 (UTC+5).

Lucky draw will be used to select 2 winners who will receive the serial number to register the full version of UniBlue DriverScanner 2009. The full unlimited version setup installer of DriverScanner 2009 can be downloaded from It’s also possible to download the free scan trial version to try. The license comes with free 1 year of Active Protection (product upgrades and support).