Both 32-bit and 64-bit (x86 and x64) versions of Windows 7 RC (Release Candidate) have been leaked, and available for immediate free download. This is probably the fastest leak of an internal build of Windows 7, just within 2 days after the build 7100 RC been finalized and compiled. The source from Malaysia also stated that Windows 7 RC will carry the build version of 7100.

Many fake torrents have emerged after the confirmation of build 7100 been Windows 7 RC. However, the real non-fake torrents for 32bit Windows 7 RC soon been released, followed by 64bit Windows 7 RC build 7100. Both versions of Windows 7 architecture has build tag of 7100.0.winmain_win7rc.090421-1700.

Windows 7 RC

Download Windows 7 RC Build 7100 x86

File Name: 7100.0.090421-1700_x86fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GRC1CULFRER_EN_DVD.iso
Size: 2.35GB
MD5 Hash: 8867C13330F56A93944BCD46DCD73590

Torrent: Windows_7_Ultimate_x86_RC_Build_7100.torrent

Download Windows 7 RC Build 7100 x64

File Name: 7100.0.090421-1700_x64fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GRC1CULFRER_EN_DVD.iso
Size: 3.04GB
MD5 Hash: 98341AF35655137966E382C4FEAA282D

Torrent: Windows_7_Ultimate_x64_RC_Build_7100.torrent

Microsoft has released Windows 7 RC official download links as part of Windows 7 RC public customer preview program.

Windows 7 RC can still be activated using free Windows 7 RC product keys or free Windows 7 Beta product keys. Direct build-to-build in-place upgrade from earlier pre-RC Windows 7 is likely not allowed. If you cannot upgrade your Windows 7 Beta or any pre-RC build, use the hack to bypass version check to upgrade to Windows 7 RC.